Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It's often said that everyone has at least one book in them. Evidently I had two. This is not to say that our books are of interest to others are are a great accomplishment.

I had intended to finish Sara's story with Book Three. January is over, and there is no more procrastination excuse such as, "It's January! I hate January!" Today, however, I must begin rewriting parts of Book Two. Ugh! While writing can be fun, rewriting is not. I still love Sara  and I still love Joseph more.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Flu and Bourbon

Why are we so frenetic at this time of year? Does this make us feel superior in some way? I can't imagine that is the answer. On the 21st of December, I refuse, absolutely refuse, to do more than the bare minimum. Oddly this has led me to a better understanding of God's commandment to keep the Sabbath holy, particularly by eschewing non-essential labor. I know several of my dearest friends will shake their heads (I know who you are, don't you laugh!). While they love me, they still think I have a few loose screws - maybe I do. That's alright. What lovely conversations for us in the Afterlife - or maybe not. Possibly most of it will be moot then. I'm almost afraid to post this, Between my ordinary and abiding "craziness," I have flu now for 5 days and have found Old Granddad to work better than NyQuill! One abiding thing is true. You are loved by the Lord our God and you are loved by me! I wish you and yours a Blessed New Year!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

At the beach in sunny Florida. Been here for a week. We've had two days of sunny weather and today, thankfully, is one, but it is cool and windy. George and I walked on the hard-packed sand earlier and the sun felt great on my head! Have been unable to get oysters either in a restaurant or at a seafood market here. For that, I suppose, I must go home. I wish you a joyous Thanksgiving and a peaceful Holiday season.   

 "I heard the bells on Christmas Day,    their old familiar carols play,    and wild and sweet    the words repeat    of peace on earth, good-will to men!   ... And in despair I bowed my head   'There is no peace on earth,' I said.   'For hate is strong   And mocks the cong   Of peace on earth, good-will to men!'   Then pealed the bells more loud and deep   'God is not dead, nor doth he sleep,  The Wrong shall fail.   The Right prevail.

   With peace on earth good-will to men'." 

       Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1863

Friday, November 14, 2014

Johnny Mercer's English Lyrics "Autumn Leaves"

"The autumn leaves outside my window"are almost gone. Yesterday and today I have done a great deal of research as I watched the leaves come down with each new gust. Winter is here regardless of the calendar date.

There's something so sad and yet so sweet about this time of year...


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sara's Talking - Fast

I had a restless evening where I could not sleep until about 4:30 AM. Thoughts kept flying through my head. I always say "Be careful what you ask for..." Well, I did ask for it. It's as if Sara is afraid I'm going to run out of time before she's finished.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I need sun on my head at a more vertical angle than it currently is. It is a beautiful morning out, but cold. Sara will probably talk about an event that happened approximately this time of year. Do you think, maybe, I should ask her to talk of a sunny day instead?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

I began work again yesterday on Sara's continuing saga. I need a shot of adrenaline! My best ideas come about 2:30 AM, but I am too lazy to get up and start working even though the desk is at the foot of my bed! Ah, well. I'll procrastinate tomorrow.